6 Essential Supplements For Healthy Travel

There is nothing worse than being on an amazing vacation you have been looking forward to and then getting sick before/during your trip. It’s happened to me so many times and let’s be honest, sometimes there isn’t much we can do about it however, I have noticed a difference in my immune system and overall health once I started implementing a wellness routine that not only made me feel good physically but also improved my overall well being!

Ideally, food is the best way to get your nutrients but I know that when traveling, it’s not always an ideal world with ideal circumstances. In these cases, I have put together a list of the 6 things I bring with me every where I go to help give me a boost and keep me on track.

  1. Vitamin C - Great for immune boosting. I buy mine here.

  2. Zinc - Powerful immune boosting supplement. I get this one.

  3. Digestive Enzymes - I have hot girl tummy problems so enzymes are so helpful when I am traveling! They help break down the food and keep everything working properly. Especially when introducing foods you’re not used to, it can be tricky. I like these ones.

  4. Magnesium - Great for overall stress relief, which in turn, helps our immune system. I like this one and this one.

  5. Probiotics - My holy grail. Again, hot girl tummy problems. When you’re eating random food, drinking alcohol, and doing all the things that can stress out your stomach and immune system, probiotics are like a gentle hug to your insides and can help keep you on track. I get the seed probiotic and take 2 each morning on an empty stomach. Also helps regulate bowel movement.

  6. Melatonin - A natural hormone produced in our bodies by the pineal gland to begin the sleep process. When I am traveling and jet lagged, I sometimes need an extra boost to help me get to bed and this really does it for me. I usually take 3-6mg before I want to sleep and I am out like a light. Some people say they have nightmares or wake up feeling super groggy so be mindful of that. I don’t personally suffer from that, though. I get mine here.

I try to keep it simple when I travel. I don’t want to bring my entire medicine cabinet but I also know I need some extra support so these 6 items always come in handy for me. Depending on what your body needs, I suggest tailoring this list to what works best for YOU! Obviously I am not a medical doctor and not giving any type of medical advice. Just sharing what works for me.

Healthy Travels xx

Danielle Giordano